[SELF-STUDY] [CHAT+ZOOM] Access to all self-study units AND 2 practice sessions AND all (10+) thematic courses with assignments AND seasonal courses

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        When learning a new language you need to feel secure because you are trying and sometimes it can be very challenging! So what is GREAT with Alisa Zingerman Classes is that  not only the materials and the lively way she shares her clever understanding of the Hebrew language  but also the friendly atmosphere which surrounds all the learners.  It takes a talent and she has it like a natural. Toda raba lakh!


        The Hebrew Hub is a wonderful source for practicing my Hebrew. Alisa has created a friendly, easy to use method for improving what I already know. Through informal discussions, classes, and the highly recommended bookclub, I’ve enjoyed my weekly participation. I never thought I could read an entire book in Hebrew but wow I really surprised myself! The Hebrew Hub works for all levels of Hebrew. The other teachers are amazing - lots of patience and enthusiasm. So happy I found this group.


        I love your classes and all the lessons you prepare. I will continue to work through these on my own. It is GREAT CONTENT!


        I signed up for your monthly rate, working on grammar 1, 2 and 3. I just find you so enjoyable and really easy to learn. I can’t imagine how much work, you had to put into creating these dynamic courses but they are wonderful. I believe that with grammar one and two and three I can be ready for my trip to Israel!


        TODA!!! Thank you again for providing this amazing website for so many wonderful ways to learn HEBREW in an affordable way……
